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Faber Castell 60 Classic Color Pencils Metal Tin Case Box || الوان خشبيه فيبر كستل 60 لون علبه حديد

Faber Castell 60 Classic Color Pencils Metal Tin Case Box || الوان خشبيه فيبر كستل 60 لون علبه حديد

Regular price 7.750 KD
Regular price Sale price 7.750 KD
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Experience an unparalleled level of sophistication with the Faber Castell 60 Classic Color Pencils Metal Tin Case Box. This exquisite metal tin case contains 60 vibrant colored pencils that can be used to elegantly decorate art pieces. Each pencil is made of high quality wood for enhanced precision and control, perfect for creating a stunning masterpiece.

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