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Funbo Modeling Clay 8 Colors Neon || طين صلصال فنبو ٨ لون فسفوري

Funbo Modeling Clay 8 Colors Neon || طين صلصال فنبو ٨ لون فسفوري

Regular price 0.350 KD
Regular price Sale price 0.350 KD
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في حال تم الطلب قبل الساعه 10 صباحا بامكاننا توصيله بنفس اليوم

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Let your imagination soar with Funbo Modeling Clay 8 Colors Neon! Create masterpieces with 8 fun and vibrant fluorescent colors, sure to glow up your creations. Take fun to the extreme with this versatile clay perfect for creating mini statues, sculptures, and anything else your heart desires! 🤩

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